About Us

mh tech: Affordable tech support with software/printer installation, malware removal, data recovery, transfer, and training for smartphones, tablets, and computers. High-quality service tailored to your budget.

Our Mission

mh tech, a startup, offers affordable tech support to vulnerable individuals in Wellington, providing accessible services at prices they can afford.

Our Vision

mh tech empathizes with financial challenges, delivering vital tech services in Wellington and expanding nationwide after establishing a solid local presence.

Our Value

We provide affordable tech support services, bridging the digital divide and empowering vulnerable individuals in Wellington and nationwide with accessible solutions.

Embark on a Journey through the Anecdotes of Our Firm

In a tech-driven world, I aim to bridge the gap between people and technology, providing tailored support to address their needs. With a genuine desire to impact the Aotearoa community positively, my IT background fuels my drive. I believe in the transformative power of technology and strive to empower others on their tech journeys. Trust me with your technical problems, and together, we’ll conquer the challenges, fostering inclusivity and proficiency. Let’s embark on this rewarding journey, where your satisfaction and fulfillment intertwine with mine.

The Pillars of Power of Our Comapny

mh tech, a burgeoning startup rooted in the comfort of a home base, is propelled forward by the dynamic leadership of a seasoned managing director, adorned with a wealth of experience within the intricate tapestry of the IT industry. With an unwavering commitment to excellence, our resolute objective revolves around orchestrating a seamless symphony of efficient tech support services, meticulously curated to harmonize with your unique budgetary constraints. Striving to strike the perfect chord between affordability and uncompromising quality, we resolutely endeavor to craft a tailor-made experience that embraces your needs, all while embracing a cost-effective approach.